Herbology: Seedling Diary #1

What: I am currently growing Cosmos and Marigold.


When: Every time I feel timid or anxious about my new journey, growing plants from seeds it’s always the most comforting and inspiring thing to do.

Where/How: I sprouted them on a piece of wet kitchen towel. Once they sprouted, I transplant them into the pot. However, it turned out to be unnecessary. I actually dropped in one extra seed into the soil, just to see how it might do directly in the soil. It is living and thriving right now.

Why: Cosmo– was the first plant I ever grew from seeds. It was the year I was applying to college. And as many people would know, how stressful that time was. I was done with all my applications and was waiting to hear from the schools. Then I received a mysterious package from the mail, a pack of seeds. It turned out, it was not that mysterious. I made a donation earlier that year, and that is their thank you gift. Little did they know, it started my love for gardening. The cosmos started blossoming when I received my acceptance letter to my dream school. So since I was job hunting this year, I thought this will going to be a full circle. (BTW, I did get that job!)


Marigold– I don’t have any reason why I gravitate towards growing Marigold aside from how cheery they look. That is it. And I think that is plenty of reason to grow them as well!.


I am so excited to write about them as well! I will probably do their individual herbology information soon.

But here it is, the first entry of my seedling diary. I hope more will be coming!

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